Online porphyry price calculation

Porphyry setts

Porphyry setts (also known as sanpietrini or cubes) are produced by mechanical splitting of quarry face slabs; according to the thickness of the slabs used, the setts have differing characteristics.

Uses of porphyry setts


Porphyry setts can be laid in various patterns, such as opposing arcs, concentric circles, peacock tails, or in straight lines.

Setts have ideal application when used to pave:

  • Courtyards, garden lanes, paths for houses and villas;
  • Squares, streets (including for heavy traffic), pedestrian areas, town and village centres.


 Types Thickness (cm)  Weight (kg/) 
 4/6  4 to 6  100
 6/8  5,5 to 8  135 to 145
 8/10  7,5 to 11  180 to 190
 10/12  10 to 13  220 to 250
 12/14  12 to 15  280 to 300
 14/18  14 to 20  330 to 350
 Thin setts: 6/8  4 to 6  100
 Square head setts  8x8
 Varies according to thickness
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